Causes of blackheads

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Causes of blackheads , Blackheads Another problem of acne that is no less annoying. Because this type of acne will come in the army The cause of acne is similar to that of clogged pimples, but the difference is that the pimple will have hair to gather with the fat Which those hairs will have more than one hair Some people with just one pimple still have 50 curled hairs, and the coiled hair won’t shed as it should. Thus causing it to accumulate dirt and clog it until it becomes acne

Blackhead pimples 

(Trichostasis spinulosa) are common problems ranging from adolescence to old age. Traditionally, blackheads are pimples caused by abnormalities of the pore glands. It looks like a blackhead pimple and has several small clumps inserted in the clogged pimple as well. Looks like small black dots along the face or sharp spines protruding through the pores. They are usually found on the tip of the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, back, where pimples are, in the sense, a cluster of dozens of soft hairs and dead skin cells clogging the pores.

The pimple is another meaning. Commonly used in the meaning of ” clogged sebum “, also known as neck mead (Comedone) is a pimple caused by the sebaceous glands producing too much sebum. Causing the fat to be released in time. Until a block is formed in the hair follicle duct Sometimes the fat clogs have no open holes. Causing the appearance of whiteheads embedded in the skin. But the next pimple that is going to be mentioned is the first blackhead. This pimple or clogged hair is not dangerous at all. In addition to having a beauty problem or only causing a nuisance.

Causes of blackheads

The exact cause of blackhead formation is currently unknown. But it is believed to be caused by the creation of cells that are very abnormal. And tends to occur in areas with a lot of sebaceous glands. The occurrence of pimples usually starts with a blockage in the sebaceous gland ducts. Or a lot of fat is produced Thus clogging the pores And fat will combine with the cell layer of the scurf from the pipe wall.