Turbid urine diagnosis

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Turbid urine diagnosis. Initially, the doctor will take the patient’s medical history and drug use history. This includes asking about existing symptoms such as urine that is cloudy, colored, smelled, or looks like. Is there a drop of blood or a blood clot in it? Is there pain while urinating? How often does the patient drink or urinate? 

Turbid urine diagnosis
Urine sample

Has there been any change in diet? The anomalies that have existed for a long time yet. Have you had any of these symptoms before? Have any underlying disease or any other medical conditions? And which drug is being used for treatmentThe doctor may then perform a physical exam over the area in which the illness may be suspected. This will cause cloudy urine or other abnormal symptoms, or may send additional tests for the exact cause, such as


to detect the level of red blood cells, proteins, minerals expulsion. This includes bacteria that may be present in the urine to see if there is an infection.

A blood test for kidney function

 Kidney function tests to detect levels of creatinine (Creatinine) and nitrogen (BUN) for renal function.

Blood tests for liver function  

Liver function tests to check the levels of AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT ), ALP (Alkaline phosphatase), Total bilirubin, Direct bilirubin, Albumin, Globulin to see if the liver is functioning properly. Or not

Turbid urine treatment

Initially, in addition to the symptoms of cloudy urine You should also be aware of other symptoms or illnesses that occur together. Whether it is a symptom of urination often but gradually. Burning urine Or sudden urination pain, bloody urine symptoms (If there is pain while urinating with There may be kidney stones or urinary tract infections. But if there is no pain, it may be caused by cancer), dark yellow or orange urine. 

With jaundice Pale stools (The liver may have problems or is working abnormally), Cloudy or bloody urine with a foul odor, accompanied by fever, chills, or lumbar pain (urinary tract infection may develop) .If these symptoms occur, see your doctor to investigate the cause and symptoms. Continue treatment Urine that is cloudy or has a different color but is not harmful, for example, from eating certain foods. Or as a side effect from drug use Does not need to be treated But if the cloudy urine is caused by various diseases or ailments, the doctor will provide treatment according to the detected cause such as


Treatment may be used to drink a lot of beverages containing electrolyte solution or carbohydrates. Eat mineral salt dissolving powder. Or giving saline treatment in cases with severe dehydration However, the treatment method will depend on the symptoms, severity, cause of dehydration. And the age of the patient

Urinary tract infection  

UTI Treatment is used as antibiotics to kill the infection. There will be both oral and injection, depending on the suitability of the patient and the nature of the illness.

Kidney stones

Treatment will depend on the type and size of the gallstone. If the gallstone is small and the patient has little illness Treatment consists of drinking lots of water to help urinate. Taking pain relievers like paracetamol (Paracetamol), ibuprofen (Ibuprofen) or naproxen sodium (Naproxen sodium) when pain.